Using the Pyramid of Neurological Levels in the Human Resources Motivation Management
2nd CEE LUMEN International Conference. Multidimensional Education Professional Development and Ethical Values– Copyright © 2016
FORMAT | Presented paper
LANGUAGE | English
HOW TO CITE| SANDU, Antonio (2016). Using the Pyramid of Neurological Levels in the Human Resources Motivation Management. Prezentat in cadrul 2nd CEE LUMEN International Conference. Multidimensional Education Professional Development and Ethical Values November 17-18, 2016, Targoviste, Romania.
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Staff motivation is a great responsibility of the managers, most of the times making the difference between the performant, and the less performant ones. The article aims to present a possible theoretical model of using the Pyramid of Neurological Levels formulated by Dilts in the construction of the intrinsic motivation of human resource in the postmodern organisations. The Pyramid of Neurological Levels is an extension to the pyramid of needs, being structured by Dilts on the following levels: environment, behaviour and language, abilities, competences and talent, beliefs and values, identity, belonging and spirituality, mission and supreme goal. Each of these levels was attached to a series of motivational practices, more or less used in postmodern organizations.
Pyramid of Neurological Levels; Dilts’ Pyramid; motivating staff; human resources; postmodern corporations.