Lucrări prezentate la conferinţe internaţionale organizate în țară

Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2021). Anxiety, Anguish and Frustration During the Pandemic. A Qualitative Research. Presented at  International Scientific Conference Ethical and Social Dimensions in Public Administration & Law – 6th edition / 17 & 18 June 2021, Suceava, Romania.

English edition




Unguru E., & SANDU, Antonio (2021). Supervision of Family and Child Welfare Services. Presented at  World LUMEN Congress 2021. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty. 20th LUMEN Anniversary Edition! 26-30 May 2021, Iasi, Romania.

English edition


Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2021). Using Guided Imagery in Experiential Philosophical Counseling. Presented at  Conferința Europeană de Psihiatrie și Sănătate Mintală, GALATIA 2021, a-V-a Ediție [European Conference on Psychiatry and Mental Health, GALATIA 2021, 5th Edition], 21-25 Aprilie 2021  | Online | România.

English edition


La Conference Francophone Internationale la famille au XXIeme siecle

[The International Francophone Conference The Family in the 21st Century]

Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2020). Angoisse et frustration face à la menace de la pandémie. Presented at La Conference Francophone Internationale la famille au xxie siecle, Ière Edition, 5 décembre 2020,  Galati.

English edition



Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2020). Public Perception on the Importance of Ethics Counseling and the Role of Ethics Counselor in Public Organizations (Plenary Speaker). Presented at 15th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Communicative Action & Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society | CATES 2020 | November 27th-28th, 2020 | Targoviste, Romania.

English edition



Frunza, A., SANDU, Antonio, & Huidu, A. (2020). Constitutive and Operational Values in Organizational Development. Presented at 15th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Communicative Action & Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society | CATES 2020 | November 27th-28th, 2020 | Targoviste, Romania.

English edition




Unguru, E. & SANDU, Antonio (2020). Supervision of Human Resources in Social Work Services. Presented at 15th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Communicative Action & Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society | CATES 2020 | November 27th-28th, 2020 | Targoviste, Romania.

English edition


Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2020). Ethics Audit in Educational Organizations (Plenary Speaker). Presented at 4th LUMEN EDU International Online Scientific Conference | Education, Quality & Sustainable Development | November 25th – 26th, 2020 | Targoviste, Romania.

English edition


Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2020). Virtualization of Social Space and Humanity 2.0. Presented at International Conference Theories of Change in Digital Wellbeing. Evidence based practices across the disciplines | TCDW 2020| 26-28 June 2020 – Arad, Romania.

English edition



Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2020). Pandemic – Catalyst of the Virtualization of the Social Space (Plenary Speaker). Presented at 14th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice RSACVP2020 | online conference| Iasi, Romania | May 22-23, 2020.

English edition



Coautor Unguru, E., & SANDU, Antonio (2020). Games of Supervision in Social Work. Presented at 14th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice RSACVP2020 | online conference| Iasi, Romania | May 22-23, 2020.

English edition


Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2019). Ethical values in Romanian society. Between tradition and modernity. Presented at the XIVth edition of Conferinței Naționale de Bioetică cu participare internațională [National Bioethics Conference with international participation] | December 5-7, 2019 | Iași, România.English edition


Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2019). Bioenhancement, artificial intelligence, spirituality and God-like responsability of mankind – Bioethical challenges. Presented at the XIVth edition of Conferinței Naționale de Bioetică cu participare internațională [National Bioethics Conference with international participation] | December 5-7, 2019 | Iași, România.

English edition


Coautor Neculau, M. C., & SANDU, Antonio. (2019). Abordarea discursurilor sociale în gestionarea poveştilor de practică a viitorilor asistenţi medicali utilizând metoda narativă [Approaching social discourses in managing the practice stories of future nurses using the narrative method]. Presented at the XIVth edition of Conferinței Naționale de Bioetică cu participare internațională [National Bioethics Conference with international participation] | December 5-7, 2019 | Iași, România.

Romanian edition


Coautor Frunză, A., & SANDU, Antonio (2019). Axiological Ethics vs. Traditional or Religious Oriented Ethics in Romania. The Need for Educational Training Programs (Plenary Speakers). Presented at 3rd LUMEN EDU International Scientific Conference | November 20th-21st, 2019 | Targoviste, Romania.

English edition


Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio. (2019). The social construction of the concept of ethics, a legitimizing process for sustainable social development (Plenary Speaker). Presented at 13th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Communicative Action & Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society  | CATES 2019 | 22-23 November 2019 | Targoviste, Romania.

English edition


Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio. (2019). Informed Consent in GDPR and in Research on Human Subjects – A Comparative Perspective. Presented at 12th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice | RSACVP 2019 | 15-17 May 2019 | Iasi – Romania.

English edition



Coautor SANDU, Antonio & Damian S. I.  (2018). Sociological Considerations on Professionalization and Institutionalization of Health Care. Presented at 11th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Communicative Action & Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society  | CATES 2018 | 23-24 November 2018 | Targoviste, Romania.

English edition


Coautor Necula, R., Damian S. I., & SANDU, Antonio. (2018). Therapeutic Education of People with Chronic Diseases Benefiting from Social Services. The Role of Social Assistants. Presented at 2nd LUMEN EDU International Scientific Conference | Education, Quality & Sustainable Development | November 21st – 22nd, 2018 | Targoviste, Romania.

English edition


Coautor SANDU, Antonio, & Damian S. I. (2018). Managing self-care as an expression of responsibility for one’s own health. Presented at 2nd LUMEN EDU International Scientific Conference | Education, Quality & Sustainable Development | November 21st – 22nd, 2018 | Targoviste, Romania.

English edition


Coautor Huidu, A., & SANDU, Antonio. (2018). Percepţia socială cu privire la tehnicile conexe reproducerii umane asistate medical. Prezentat în cadrul celei de-a XIII-a editii a  Conferinței Naționale de Bioetică cu participare internațională | November 8-10, 2018 | Iași, România.

[Huidu, A., & SANDU, Antonio. (2018). Social perception of medically assisted human reproduction techniques. Presented at the 13th edition of the National Bioethics Conference with international participation | November 8-10, 2018 | Iasi Romania.]

Romanian edition


Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio. (2018). Gestionarea auto-îngrijirii ca expresie a responsabilităţii faţă de propria sănătate. Prezentat în cadrul celei de-a XIII-a editii a  Conferinței Naționale de Bioetică cu participare internațională | November 8-10, 2018 | Iași, România.

[SANDU, Antonio. (2018). Managing self-care as an expression of responsibility for one’s own health. Presented at the 13th edition of the National Bioethics Conference with international participation | November 8-10, 2018 | Iasi Romania.]

Romanian edition


Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio. (2018). Elemente etice implicate de propunerea de cercetare. Prezentat în cadrul Conferinţei Ştiinţifice Internaţionale Valori Etice în Educaţie, Cercetare şi Inovare | EIAECSAD | 19-20 Octomber 2018 | Suceava, Romania.

[SANDU, Antonio. (2018). Ethical elements involved in the research proposal. Presented at the International Scientific Conference Ethical Values in Education, Research and Innovation | EIAECSAD | 19-20 October 2018 | Suceava, Romania.]

Romanian edition



3rd International Conference Ethical & Social Dimensions on Public Administration & Law | ESDPAL 2018 Coautor SANDU, Antonio, Frunza, A., Scripcaru, C., Bulgaru-Iliescu Diana, Unguru, E., & Damian S. I. (2018). A Methaethical Perspective on Non- Voluntary Psychiatric Hospitalization. Presented at 3rd International Conference Ethical & Social Dimensions on Public Administration & Law | ESDPAL 2018 | 26-29 April 2018 | Suceava – Romania.

English edition


Coautor Unguru, E., & SANDU, Antonio. (2018). Supervision of Social Services – a Social Construction. Presented at 10th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice (RSACVP 2018) | April 26-29th, 2018 | Suceava, Romania.

English edition


Coautor Unguru, E., & SANDU, Antonio. (2018). The Right to Private Life and Confidentiality. Ethical Operational Values in Administrative Systems. Presented at 10th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice (RSACVP 2018) | April 26-29th, 2018 | Suceava, Romania.

English edition


Coautor SANDU, Antonio, & Unguru, E. (2017). Could Neuroenhancement be an Ethical Approaches in Social Work Practice? Presented at 9th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Communicative Action & Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society  | CATES 2017 | 24-25 November 2017 | Targoviste, Romania.

English edition



Unguru, E., & SANDU, Antonio. (2017). Theoretical perspectives on the Distinction between Constructivism and Social Constructivism. Presented at 9th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Communicative Action & Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society  | CATES 2017 | 24-25 November 2017 | Targoviste, Romania.

English edition


Coautor Unguru, E., & SANDU, Antonio. (2017). Continuous Education and Training of Specialists in Supervision in Social Work. Presented at International Scientific Conference | Education, Quality & Sustainable Development | LUMEN EDU | November 22nd – 23rd, 2017 | Bucharest, Romania.

English edition


Header_RSACVP2017_3 Coautor SANDU, Antonio, & Terec-Vlad, L. (2017). Beyond Technological Singularity… the Crisis of Posthuman Condition (Plenary Speakers). Presented at 8th LUMEN International Conference Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice (RSACVP 2017) | April 7-8th, 2017 | Suceava, Romania.

English edition



MEPDEV2016_Event_cover_2 Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2016). The Practice of Probation centred on Ethical Values. Presented at 2nd CEE LUMEN International Conference. Multidimensional Education Professional Development and Ethical Values November 17-18, 2016, Targoviste, Romania.

English edition



MEPDEV2016_Event_cover_2 Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2016). Using the Pyramid of Neurological Levels in the Human Resources Motivation Management. Presented at 2nd CEE LUMEN International Conference. Multidimensional Education Professional Development and Ethical Values November 17-18, 2016, Targoviste, Romania.

English edition



MEPDEV2016_Event_cover_2 Coautor Unguru, E., & SANDU, Antonio. (2016). Some Ethical Aspects on Supervision in Social Work. Presented at 2nd CEE LUMEN International Conference. Multidimensional Education Professional Development and Ethical Values November 17-18, 2016, Targoviste, Romania.

English edition


Coautor SANDU, Antonio & Unguru, E. (2016). Social Construction of Probation. Professional interferences. Presented at Social Work International Conference (SWIC). Envisioning sustainable social work: Enpowering Communities and Individuals. November 3-4, 2016. Bucharest.

English edition


International Conference Cross-Border Cooperation: Key Ideas And Perspectives Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2016). Adnotations On The Code Of Conduct Of The Public Servant In Romania. Presented at International Conference Cross-Border Cooperation: Key Ideas And Perspectives, 20-21 mai 2016, Suceava.

English edition



v2_Banner_WLC2016 Coautor Frunză, A., & SANDU, Antonio (2016). Informed Consent between Theory and Practice. Presented at World LUMEN Congress 2016. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty| 15th LUMEN Anniversary Edition| 12- 17 April 2016| Iasi, Romania.

English edition


v2_Banner_WLC2016 Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio. (2016). From Distributive to Procedural Justice. Justice as a Constitutive Value of Public Administration. Presented at World LUMEN Congress 2016. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty| 15th LUMEN Anniversary Edition| 12- 17 April 2016| Iasi, Romania.

English edition



v2_Banner_WLC2016 Coautor Frunză, A., & SANDU, Antonio. (2016). Ethics Expertise Instruments in Social Work Institutions. Presented at World LUMEN Congress 2016. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty| 15th LUMEN Anniversary Edition| 12- 17 April 2016| Iasi, Romania.

English edition


International Conference Social sciences and the contemporary challenges. 20 years of teaching sociology at the University of Oradea  Coautor Unguru, E., & SANDU, Antonio (2016). The supervision of socio-medical services and the impact of palliative care. Presented at International Conference: “Social sciences and the contemporary challenges. 20 years of teaching sociology at the University of Oradea“, Oradea, 9-10 June 2016.

English edition



Header_MEPDEV_2015_full Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio. (2015). Three Perspectives on the Ethics of Punishment. Presented at the Plenary Session of the 7th LUMEN International Conference –  Multidimensional Education and Professional Development. Ethical Values – MEPDEV 2015, 12th – 14th November 2015, Târgoviște, România.

English edition


Header_MEPDEV_2015_full Coautor SANDU, Antonio, & Frunză, A. (2015). Ethics and Normativity in Non-Voluntary Hospitalization. Presented at the Plenary Session of the 7th LUMEN International Conference –  Multidimensional Education and Professional Development. Ethical Values – MEPDEV 2015, 12th – 14th November 2015, Târgoviște, România.

English edition


Coautor SANDU, Antonio, Frunză, A., Scripcaru, C., & Bulgaru-Iliescu, D. (2015). Internarea nevoluntară. O perspectivă etică. Prezentată la A XI-a Conferință Națională de Bioetică, cu participare internationala, Iași, 5-7 noiembrie 2015.

[SANDU, Antonio, Frunză, A., Scripcaru, C., & Bulgaru-Iliescu, D. (2015). Involuntary hospitalization. An ethical perspective. Presented at the 11th National Conference on Bioethics, with international participation, Iași, November 5-7, 2015.]

English edition


European Politics, Humanities and E-Society-EPHES 2015  Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio.(2015). Can the “prime directive” underlie an ethics of the spatial era?. Presented at European Politics, Humanities and E-Society-EPHES 2015 – 3rd edition 2015 theme: Challenges And Crises In The Technological World. October 30 – November 1 2015, Voronet Romania.

English edition


Philosophy of Engineering and Artifact in the Digital Age- PHEADE 2015 Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio. (2015). Quantum metaphysics. A perspective on singularity. Prezentată la Philosophy of Engineering and Artifact in the Digital Age- PHEADE 2015 – 7th edition 2015 theme: Artifacted Reality. October 30 – November 1 2015, Voronet Romania.

English edition


Al XIV-lea Seminar Internațional de Medicină și Teologie

[XIVth International Seminar on Medicine and Theology]

Coautor Necula, R., SANDU, Antonio, & Damian, S. (2015). Rolul asistenței sociale în educația terapeutică. Prezentată la Al XIV-lea Seminar Internațional de Medicină și Teologie, 11-12 mai 2015, Bistrița.

[Necula, R., SANDU, Antonio, & Damian, S. (2015). The role of social assistance in therapeutic education. Presented at the XIVth International Seminar of Medicine and Theology, May 11-12, 2015, Bistrita.]

Romanian edition



Header_1 Coautor Frunză, A., & SANDU, Antonio (2015). Values Based Social Work. Constitutive and Operational Values. Presented at 6th LUMEN International Conference Rethinking Social Action. Core Values, 16-19 aprilie 2015, Iași, România.

English edition


Header_1  Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio. (2015). Semiotic Hexade of Appreciative Inquiry. A Tool for Philosophical Practice. Presented at 6th LUMEN International Conference Rethinking Social Action. Core Values, 16-19 aprilie 2015, Iași, România.

English edition


Header_1  Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2015). Bioethics – A Branch of Applied Philosophy or a New Social Science Transdisciplinary Nature. Presented at 6th LUMEN International Conference Rethinking Social Action. Core Values, 16-19 aprilie 2015, Iași, România.

English edition


Header LUMEN 2014-toamna Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio. (2014). Appreciative ethics as constructionist semiotics. Presented at the International Scientific Conference LUMEN 2014 – Transdisciplinarity and Communicative Action, 21-22 noiembrie 2014, Târgoviște, România.

English edition


Conferința Națională de Bioetică cu participare internațională – Bioetica 2014

[National Conference on Bioethics with international participation – Bioetica 2014]

Coautor SANDU, Antonio, & Croitor, E. (2014). Responsabilitatea medicală pentru generațiile viitoare. O abordare fenomenologică. Prezentată la Conferința Națională de Bioetică, cu participare internationala, 6-8 noiembrie 2014, Iași.

[SANDU, Antonio, & Croitor, E. (2014). Medical responsibility for future generations. A phenomenological approach. Presented at the National Conference on Bioethics, with international participation, November 6-8, 2014, Iași.]

English edition


A XVIII-a Conferinta Internațională de Inventica, 2014

[XVIII International Invention Conference, 2014]

Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2014). Medierea apreciativă. De la conflict la creativitate. Prezentată la a XVIII-a Conferinta Internațională de Inventica, 2-4 iulie 2014, Iași, România.

[SANDU, Antonio (2014). Appreciative mediation. From conflict to creativity. Presented at the XVIIIth International Invention Conference, July 2-4, 2014, Iasi, Romania.]

English edition



European Politics, Humanities and E-Society-EPHES 2014 Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio. (2014). Social constructionism as core paradigm of appreciative ethics. Presented at International Conferences Engineering Philosophy & Ethics in Society-EPHES 2014, 20-22 July 2014, Suceava, România.

English edition


European Politics, Humanities and E-Society-EPHES 2014  Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio. (2014). Some Regards on the Possibilities of Constructing an Appreciative Ethics. Presented at International Conferences Engineering Philosophy & Ethics in Society-EPHES 2014, 20-22 July 2014, Suceava, România.

English edition


Al X–lea Congres Mondial ISUD, Ființa umană: natura și funcțiile sale

[10th ISUD World Congress, The Human Being: Nature and Its Functions]

Coautor Caras, A., & SANDU, Antonio (2014). Relational Autonomy – Connections Between Moral Agent Theory and Supervision of Ethics. Presented at Cel de al X–lea Congres Mondial ISUD, Ființa umană: natura și funcțiile sale [The 10th ISUD World Congress, The Human Being: Nature and Its Functions], 4-9 iulie 2014, Craiova, România.

Romanian edition


6th International Conference “Exploration, Education and Progress in the Third Millennium”  Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio. (2014). Appreciative ethics in counselling of ethics of the public servant. Presented at 6th International Conference “Exploration, Education and Progress in the Third Millennium”, 9 Mai 2014, Universitatea Dunărea de Jos din Galaţi.

English edition


Header Conferinta LUMEN 2014 Coautor Damian, S. I., Necula, M. R., SANDU, Antonio, Necula, M. I., Scripcaru, C., & Ioan, B. (2014). The Doctor Facing Death. A Social-Anthropological Perspective. Presented at The 4th International Conference Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty. From Theory to Inquiry in social Sciences, 10-12 April, Iași, România.

English edition


Header Conferinta LUMEN 2014 Coautor Scripcaru, C., Damian, S. I.,SANDU, Antonio, & Ioan, B. (2014). Ethical Considerations in the Medico-Legal Expert Approach of a Severe Untreated Psychiatric Disease. Presented at The 4th International Conference Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty. From Theory to Inquiry in Social Sciences, 10-12 April, Iași, România.

English edition


Header Conferinta LUMEN 2014 Coautor Caras (Frunză), A., & SANDU, Antonio. (2014). Epistemic and Pragmatic Backgrounds of Supervision of Ethics. Presented at The 4th International Conference Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty. From Theory to Inquiry in Social Sciences, 10-12 April, Iași, România.

English edition



Header Conferinta LUMEN 2014 Coautor SANDU, Antonio, & Caras (Frunză), A. (2014). Some Considerations on the Construction of Ethics Policies. Shared Ethics and Communicative Action. Presented at The 4th International Conference Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty. From Theory to Inquiry in Social Sciences, 10-12 April, Iași, România.

English edition



Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio. (2013). Strategies for Building Ethical Policies within the Organization. Presented at International Scientific Conference Tradition an Reform Social Reconstruction of Europe, Second Edition, November 7-8, 2013, Bucharest.

English edition


Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio. (2013). Instances of Social Construction of Chronic Patients’ Autonomy. Presented at International Scientific Conference Tradition an Reform Social Reconstruction of Europe, Second Edition, November 7-8, 2013, Bucharest.

English edition



Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio. (2013). Deliberative Bioethics. Why Codes of Conduct Should be Considered outside the Scope of Ethics. Presented at International Scientific Conference Tradition an Reform Social Reconstruction of Europe, Second Edition, November 7-8, 2013, Bucharest.

English edition



Philosophy of Engineering and Artifact in the Digital Age- PHEADE 2013 Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2013). Immortality & Crisis in Post Humanism. Presented at 5th International PHEADE (Philosophy of Engineering and Artifact in the Digital Era) Conference, Universitatea Ştefan cel Mare din Suceava, 30 noiembrie – 1 decembrie 2013, Suceava.

English edition



Zilele Academice Ieşene 2013

[Iasi Academic Days 2013]

Coautor SANDU, Antonio, & Caras, A. (2013). Etica grijii ca deconstrucţie a conceptului de caritate. Prezentată la Zilele Academice Ieşene, ediţia a XXVIII-a, Sesiunea ştiinţifică Idei şi Valori Perene în Ştiinţele Socio-Umane, 18-31 octombrie 2013, Iaşi.

[SANDU, Antonio, & Caras, A. (2013). The ethics of care as a deconstruction of the concept of charity. Presented at the Iasi Academic Days, XXVIII edition, Scientific Session of Perennial Ideas and Values in Socio-Human Sciences, October 18-31, 2013, Iasi.]

Romanian edition



Conferinţa Naţională de Bioetică cu Participare Internațională. Provocări etice în practica medicală într-o lume a globalizării, Ediţia a IX-a, 2013

[National Conference on Bioethics with International Participation. Ethical Challenges in Medical Practice in a World of Globalization, 9th Edition, 2013]

Coautor Damian, S., SANDU, Antonio, Necula, R., Bizgan, M., & Ioan, B. (2013). Elemente de socio-antropologia morţii. O viziune a cadrelor medicale. Prezentată la Conferinţa Naţională de Bioetică cu Participare Internațională. Provocări etice în practica medicală într-o lume a globalizării, Ediţia a IX-a, 24-26 Octombrie 2013, Iaşi.

[Damian, S., SANDU, Antonio, Necula, R., Bizgan, M., & Ioan, B. (2013). Elements of the socio-anthropology of death. A vision of medical staff. Presented at the National Bioethics Conference with International Participation. Ethical challenges in medical practice in a world of globalization, 9th Edition, October 24-26, 2013, Iaşi.]

English edition



Conferinţa Naţională de Bioetică cu Participare Internațională. Provocări etice în practica medicală într-o lume a globalizării, Ediţia a IX-a, 2013

[National Conference on Bioethics with International Participation. Ethical Challenges in Medical Practice in a World of Globalization, 9th Edition, 2013]

Coautor SANDU, Antonio, & Caras, A. (2013). Perspective etice în transplantul renal. Abordarea deontologică versus abordarea utilitarist consecvenţionistă. Studiu de caz. Prezentată la Conferinţa Naţională de Bioetică cu Participare Internațională. Provocări etice în practica medicală într-o lume a globalizării, Ediţia a IX-a, 24-26 Octombrie 2013, Iaşi.

[SANDU, Antonio, & Caras, A. (2013). Ethical perspectives in kidney transplantation. The deontological approach versus the utilitarian consequentialist approach. Case Study. Presented at the National Bioethics Conference with International Participation. Ethical challenges in medical practice in a world of globalization, 9th Edition, October 24-26, 2013, Iaşi.]

Romanian edition



Conferinţa Naţională de Bioetică cu Participare Internațională. Provocări etice în practica medicală într-o lume a globalizării, Ediţia a IX-a, 2013

[National Conference on Bioethics with International Participation. Ethical Challenges in Medical Practice in a World of Globalization, 9th Edition, 2013]

Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2013). Etica nemuririi. Este nemurirea o alegere morală? Prezentată la Conferinţa Naţională de Bioetică cu Participare Internațională. Provocări etice în practica medicală într-o lume a globalizării, Ediţia a IX-a, 24-26 Octombrie 2013, Iaşi.

[SANDU, Antonio (2013). Ethics of immortality. Is immortality a moral choice? Presented at the National Bioethics Conference with International Participation. Ethical challenges in medical practice in a world of globalization, 9th Edition, October 24-26, 2013, Iaşi.]

Romanian edition



Conferinţa Naţională de Bioetică cu Participare Internațională. Provocări etice în practica medicală într-o lume a globalizării, Ediţia a IX-a, 2013

[National Conference on Bioethics with International Participation. Ethical Challenges in Medical Practice in a World of Globalization, 9th Edition, 2013]

Coautor Caras, A., & SANDU, Antonio (2013). Supervizarea de etică – rolul de gatekeeper în construcţia politicilor sociale de alocare a resurselor. Prezentată la Conferinţa Naţională de Bioetică cu Participare Internațională. Provocări etice în practica medicală într-o lume a globalizării, Ediţia a IX-a, 24-26 Octombrie 2013, Iaşi.

[Caras, A., & SANDU, Antonio (2013). Ethical supervision – the role of gatekeeper in the construction of social policies for resource allocation. Presented at the National Bioethics Conference with International Participation. Ethical challenges in medical practice in a world of globalization, 9th Edition, October 24-26, 2013, Iaşi.]

Romanian edition



Conferinţa Naţională de Bioetică cu Participare Internațională. Provocări etice în practica medicală într-o lume a globalizării, Ediţia a IX-a, 2013

[National Conference on Bioethics with International Participation. Ethical Challenges in Medical Practice in a World of Globalization, 9th Edition, 2013]

Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2013). Despre viziunea lui Julian Săvulescu asupra avortului postnatal. Cafeneaua-filosofică virtuală. Prezentată la Conferinţa Naţională de Bioetică cu Participare Internațională. Provocări etice în practica medicală într-o lume a globalizării, Ediţia a IX-a, 24-26 Octombrie 2013, Iaşi.

[SANDU, Antonio (2013). About Julian Săvulescu’s vision on postnatal abortion. The virtual philosophical cafe. Presented at the National Bioethics Conference with International Participation. Ethical challenges in medical practice in a world of globalization, 9th Edition, October 24-26, 2013, Iaşi.]

Romanian edition



Conferinţa Naţională de Bioetică cu Participare Internațională. Provocări etice în practica medicală într-o lume a globalizării, Ediţia a IX-a, 2013

[National Conference on Bioethics with International Participation. Ethical Challenges in Medical Practice in a World of Globalization, 9th Edition, 2013]

Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2013). Provocări bioetice în gândirea filosofică-spiritualistă din India. Prezentată la Conferinţa Naţională de Bioetică cu Participare Internațională. Provocări etice în practica medicală într-o lume a globalizării, Ediţia a IX-a, 24-26 Octombrie 2013, Iaşi.

[SANDU, Antonio (2013). Bioethical challenges in philosophical-spiritualist thinking in India. Presented at the National Bioethics Conference with International Participation. Ethical challenges in medical practice in a world of globalization, 9th Edition, October 24-26, 2013, Iaşi.]

Romanian edition



 International Conference Education and Psychology Challenges-teachers for the Knowledge Society-2nd edition, 2013 Coautor SANDU, Antonio, & Caras, A. (2013). Appreciative Christian Counseling. Presented at The International Conference Education and Psychology Challenges-teachers for the Knowledge Society-2nd edition (EPC-TKS), 24-27 October, Sinaia, România.

English edition



Conferinţa Internaţională Inventica 2013

[International Conference Inventica 2013]

Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2013). Methodological Steps in Creating an Etnoethics Starting from Semiotic Analysis of Lifestyle and Health Behavior in Terms of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Prezentată la Conferinţa Internaţională Inventica, 19-21 iunie 2013, Iaşi.

[SANDU, Antonio (2013). Methodological Steps in Creating an Etnoethics Starting from Semiotic Analysis of Lifestyle and Health Behavior in Terms of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Presented at the Inventica International Conference, June 19-21, 2013, Iaşi.]

English edition



Conferinţă internaţională, Universalitate, Multidisciplinaritate, Cunoaştere Universality Multidisciplinarity Knowledge Universalité, Multidisciplinarité, Connaissance, a XXI-a ediţie 2013

[International Conference, Universality Multidisciplinarity Knowledge, XXIst Edition 2013]

Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2013). Contribuţii la o interpretare construcţionistă a teoriilor contractului social. Prezentată la Conferinţă internaţională, Universalitate, Multidisciplinaritate, Cunoaştere Universality Multidisciplinarity Knowledge Universalité, Multidisciplinarité, Connaissance, a XXI-a ediţie, 24-26 mai 2013, Iaşi

[SANDU, Antonio (2013). Contributions to a constructionist interpretation of social contract theories. Presented at the International Conference, Universality Multidisciplinarity Knowledge, XXIst edition, May 24-26, 2013, Iaşi]

Romanian edition




Coautor SANDU, Antonio, & Caras, A. (2013). The Levels of Doctor-Patient Relationship- analysis from the Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral development. Presented at International Conference Logos, Universality, Mentality, Novelty, Education, 10-13 aprilie 2013, Iași.

English edition


Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2013). Instances of social construction autonomy on chronic patients. Particularities of the Romanian cultural model. Presented at International Conference Logos, Universality, Mentality, Novelty, Education, 10-13 aprilie 2013, Iași.

English edition



Coautor Caras, A., & SANDU, Antonio (2013). Ethical Evaluation of Social Services and the Need for Ethics Committees. Presented at International Conference Logos, Universality, Mentality, Novelty, Education, 10-13 aprilie 2013, Iaşi.

English edition



Conferinţa Etica politicilor de sănătate în România, 2013

[Conference Ethics of Health Policies in Romania, 2013]

Coautor Cojocaru, D., Damian, R., Damian, S., Gavrilovici, O., Iliescu, L., Macarie, G., Necula, R., SANDU, Antonio, Gavrilovici, C., Oprea, L., & Vicol, M. (2013). Stil de viaţă şi comportament în sănătate a persoanelor cu boli cronice. Prezentată la Conferinţa Etica politicilor de sănătate în România, Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie Gr. T. Popa Iaşi, 16-17 martie 2013, Iași.

[Cojocaru, D., Damian, R., Damian, S., Gavrilovici, O., Iliescu, L., Macarie, G., Necula, R., SANDU, Antonio, Gavrilovici, C., Oprea, L., & Vicol, M. (2013). Lifestyle and healthy behavior of people with chronic diseases. Presented at the Conference Ethics of health policies in Romania, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Gr. T. Popa Iaşi, March 16-17, 2013, Iași.]

Romanian edition


Conferinţa Etica politicilor de sănătate în România, 2013

[Conference Ethics of Health Policies in Romania, 2013]

Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio. (2013). Instanţe ale construcţiei sociale a autonomiei pacientului cronic. Prezentată la Conferinţa Etica politicilor de sănătate în România, Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie Gr. T. Popa Iaşi, 16-17 martie 2013, Iași.

[SANDU, Antonio. (2013). Instances of the social construction of the autonomy of the chronic patient. Presented at the Conference Ethics of health policies in Romania, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Gr. T. Popa Iaşi, March 16-17, 2013, Iași.]

Romanian edition


Coautor SANDU, Antonio, & Caras, A. (2012). The mechanisms of ethical decision as a social process. A case of discrimination with lethal potential. Prezentată la A XI-a Ediţie a Şcolii Franco-Române de Metodologie în Stiinţele Sociale- Migrations dans l’espace européen pendant la crise économique, 17–20 octombrie 2012, Iaşi.

[SANDU, Antonio, & Caras, A. (2012). The mechanisms of ethical decision as a social process. A case of discrimination with lethal potential. Presented at the 11th Edition of the Franco-Romanian School of Methodology in the Social Sciences – Migrations in the European space during the economic crisis, October 17–20, 2012, Iaşi.]

English edition



Coautor Necula, M. R., SANDU, Antonio, & Damian, S. I. (2012). World, Time and Necessity from the Perspective of Chronic Diseases. Presented at International Conference Unity and Diversity in Knowledge Society, Academia Română, 27-30 Septembrie 2012, Iaşi.

English edition



Coautor Damian, S. I., SANDU, Antonio, & Necula, M. R. (2012). Orthodox Priest’s Role in the Care of Diabetic. Presented at International Conference Unity and Diversity in Knowledge Society, Academia Română, 27-30 Septembrie 2012, Iaşi.

English edition


Coautor Caras, A., & SANDU, Antonio (2012). The Role of Ethics Committees in the Ethical Supervision of Social Service. Prezentată la International Conference Unity and Diversity in Knowledge Society, Academia Română, 27-30 Septembrie 2012, Iaşi.

English edition


Coautor SANDU, Antonio, & Necula, R. (2012). The role of appreciative inquiry in social theology. Prezentată la International Conference Unity and Diversity in Knowledge Society, Academia Română, 27-30 Septembrie 2012, Iaşi.

English edition


Coautor SANDU, Antonio, & Caras, A. (2012). Counseling in clinical ethics. A methodological model. Prezentată la A VIII-a Conferinţa Naţională de Bioetică cu participare internațională, 13-16 septembrie 2012, Cluj-Napoca.

English edition


Coautor SANDU, Antonio, Caras, A., & Necula, R. M. (2012). Informed consent – ethical tool of implementation of autonomy in social services Prezentată la Conferinţa Naţională de Bioetică cu participare internațională, 13-16 septembrie 2012, Cluj-Napoca.

English edition


Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2012). Ethics of life and time from the perspective of chronically ill. Prezentată la Conferinţa Naţională de Bioetică cu participare internațională, 13-16 septembrie 2012, Cluj-Napoca.

English edition


Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio, & Nica, A. (2012). Study On The National Endoprosthetics Program Based On The Cost-Effectiveness Analysis And The Kuhn-Tucker Optimality Conditions. Prezentată la Conferinţa Naţională de Bioetică cu participare internațională, 13-16 septembrie 2012, Cluj-Napoca.

English edition


Coautor Caras, A., & SANDU, Antonio (2012). The need for committees of ethics in the ethical evaluation of social services. Prezentată la A VIII-a Conferinţă Naţională de Bioetică cu participare internațională, 13-16 septembrie 2012, Cluj-Napoca.

English edition


Coautor SANDU, Antonio, Caras, A., & Nica, A. (2012). Stadiality of moral development and the levels of doctor-patient relationship. Prezentată la la A VIII-a Conferinţă Naţională de Bioetică cu participare internațională, 13-16 septembrie 2012, Cluj-Napoca.

English edition


Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2012). Meanings of autonomy of diabetic patient from doctor’s perspective. Prezentată la Conferinţa Internaţională de Ştiinţe Sociale Aplicate, 18-19 iunie 2012, Timişoara.

English edition


The 16th International Salon of Research, innovation and technological transfer, Inventica, 2012 Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio. (2012). From ethics of scientific creativity to ethical evaluation of technologies. Prezentată la The 16th International Salon of Research, innovation and technological transfer, Inventica, 13-15 Iunie 2012, Iaşi.

English edition


Unic autor

[single author]


SANDU, Antonio. (2012). Ethical Counseling. Methodological Framework. Prezentată la International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 21 mai-3 iunie 2012, Iaşi.

English edition



Coautor SANDU, Antonio, Cojocaru, D., & Ponea, S. (2012). Appreciative Ethics of Care. Prezentată la International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 21 mai-3 iunie 2012, Iaşi.

English edition


Coautor SANDU, Antonio, & Ponea, S. (2012). Ethical and Philosophical Appreciative Counseling. Prezentată la International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 21 mai-3 iunie 2012, Iaşi.

English edition


Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2012). The Concept of Autonomy in Bioethics and Applied Ethics. Prezentată la International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 21 mai-3 iunie 2012, Iaşi.

English edition


Coautor Damian, S., Necula, R., Streba, I., & SANDU, Antonio (2012). Contemporary ethical controversies about possible treatments in diabetes mellitus (pancreas transplant, alternative methods). Prezentată la International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 21 mai-3 iunie 2012, Iaşi.

English edition


Conferinţa Internaţională, a XX-a ediţie, Universality Multidisciplinarity Knowledge, 2012 Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio. (2012). Politicile Open Access ca echitate în distribuirea cunoaşterii. Prezentată la Conferinţa Internaţională, a XX-a ediţie, Universality Multidisciplinarity Knowledge, 23-26 mai 2012, Iaşi.

Romanian edition


International Conference Tradition and reform in the Romanian society. European Highlights Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2012). A constructionist understanding of social contract theory. Prezentată la International Conference Tradition and reform in the Romanian society. European Highlights, 25 March 2012, Iași.

English edition



International Conference Tradition and reform in the Romanian society. European Highlights Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2012). Some considerations regarding the relation between morality, ethics and law. Prezentată la International Conference Tradition and reform in the Romanian society. European Highlights, 25 March 2012, Iaşi.

English edition



Rethinking Politics for the Knowledge Society, International Conference Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2011). Julian Savulecu on controversial choice. Prezentată la Rethinking Politics for the Knowledge Society, International Conference, 31 noiembrie – 4 decembrie 2011, Iaşi, România. Organizată ICeeS, Universitatea „Gh. Zane” şi Universitatea de Nord Baia Mare.

English edition



Significance & Interpretation within the Knowledge Based Society Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2011). Appreciative Ethics in a Transmodern Society. Prezentată la Significance & Interpretation within the Knowledge Based Society, 27-30 octombrie, Baia Mare. Organizată de Universitatea de Nord Baia Mare şi Academia Română Filiala Iaşi.English edition


Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2011). Ethique appréciative des soins dans le contexte de Chronic Care Model[Etica apreciativă a îngrijirii în contextul modelului îngrijirii cronice]. Prezentată la Şcoala Franco-Română de Metodologie în Ştiinţele Sociale, Ediţia a X-a, 19-22 octombrie, Iaşi. Organizată de Universitatea “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, Université Lille, Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie “Gr. T. Popa” Iaşi, Societatea Sociologilor din România, Centrul Cultural Francez Iaşi, Fundaţia Academică AXIS, Asociaţia Franco-Română Villeneuve d’Ascq – Iaşi.

Romanian edition


Conferinţa Naţională de Bioetică Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2011). Conceptul de autonomie în bioetică şi etică aplicată. Un review de literatură. Prezentată la Conferinţa Naţională de Bioetică, Ediţia a VII-a, 22-25 septembrie, Bucureşti. Organizată de Societatea Română de Bioetică, Colegiul Medicilor din România, Colegiul Medicilor Iaşi.Romanian edition


Minoritățile naționale din România Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2011). Comunitatea italiană din România. O analiză semiotică. Prezentată la Conferința Minoritățile naționale din România, 8 decembrie, Iași. Organizată de Universitatea Mihail Kogălniceanu din Iași.

Romanian edition



A XX-a Sesiune Ştiinţifică a D.C.S.U. Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio. (2011). De la etica aplicată la consilierea filosofică. Prezentată la A XX-a Sesiune Ştiinţifică a D.C.S.U. cu participare internaţională, 18-19 noiembrie 2011, Cluj-Napoca. Organizată de Academia Română Filiala Cluj-Napoca Institutul de Istorie „George Bariţiu” Departamentul de cercetări socio-umane.

Romanian edition


  Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio. (2011). Quantum Metaphysics Models. Prezentată la International Scientific Conference 2011 Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty, 18-19 februarie, 2011, Iași.

English edition




Ponea, S., & SANDU, Antonio (2011). New Approaches in Personal Development Field- Appreciative Socialization Goup Social Sciences Section. Prezentată la International Scientific Conference Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty, 18-19 februarie 2011, Iaşi.

English edition



Coautor SANDU, Antonio, & Unguru, E. (2011). Evaluation Of Supervision In Social Work Practice In Rural Areas. Prezentată la Lumen International Scientific Conference Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty, 18-19 februarie, Iaşi.

English edition


Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio. (2011). Multiculturalism şi Globalizare [Multiculturalism and Globalisation]. Prezentată la Conferinţa Naţională cu participare Internaţională Globalizare şi Identitate Naţională. Dimensiuni Cultural Juridice, ediţia a XIX-a, a Universităţii Mihail Kogălniceanu din Iaşi, 3-4 iunie 2011.

English edition


  Coautor SANDU, Antonio, Cojocaru, D., & Gavrilovici, O. (2011). Ancheta apreciativă şi relaţia medic-pacient în îngrijirea bolii cronice [Appreciative inquiry and the doctor-patient relationship in chronic illness care]. Prezentată la 2nd International Conference on ETHICS AND PROFESSIONAL CULTURE, 15-16 aprilie, Cluj-Napoca. Organizată de Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Center for Applied Philosophy. Publicată în Ion Copoeru, Mihaela Frunza, Imre Ungvari-Zrinyi (Eds.), Meddling with other people’s work. Cross-disciplinary approaches on moral conflicts and (mis)communication in organizations.

English edition


Alma Mater University National Conference with International Participation 5th Edition Theme: Challenges for Science and Research in the Crisis Era Coautor SANDU, Antonio, Unguru, E., & Ponea, S. (2011). Analysis of professional competencies in supervision field of social services [Analiza sistemului de competenţe profesionale în domeniul supervizării serviciilor sociale]. Prezentată la Alma Mater University National Conference with International Participation 5th Edition Theme: Challenges for Science and Research in the Crisis Era, 24-26 martie 2011, Sibiu.

English edition



Alma Mater University National Conference with International Participation 5th Edition Theme: Challenges for Science and Research in the Crisis Era Coautor SANDU, Antonio, Unguru, E., Ponea, S., & Vlasă, B. (2011). Appreciative teaching of appreciative inquiry [Educaţia apreciativă, formă a anchetei appreciative]. Prezentată la Alma Mater University National Conference with International Participation 5th Edition Theme: Challenges for Science and Research in the Crisis Era, 24-26 martie 2011, Sibiu.

English edition



Conferinţa Internaţională Societatea întemeiată pe cunoaştere. Norme, valori şi repere contemporane Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2011). Ontological, Epistemological and Methodological Statements of Postmodernism/ Post-structuralism. Prezentată la Conferinţa Internaţională Societatea întemeiată pe cunoaştere. Norme, valori şi repere contemporane, 10-11 Iunie, Târgovişte.English edition



Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2010). Constructionist Perspectives of Thruth in Science. Prezentată la Conferinţa Internaţională Knowledge and Action, 9-12 decembrie, Baia Mare. Conferinţă Internaţională organizată de The Northern University of Baia Mare Organized within the POSDRU” Knowledge Based Society” Project.

English edition



XIV-th International Conference of Inventics Coautor SANDU, Antonio, & Ponea, S. (2010). Social Constructionism as a Semiotical Paradigm. An analytical Approach of Social Creativity. Prezentată la XIV-th International Conference of Inventics, 9-11 iunie, Iaşi.

English edition



XIV-th International Conference of Inventics Coautor Ponea, S., & SANDU, Antonio. (2010). Appreciative Socialisation Group. A Collaborative Creativity Model. Prezentată la XIV-th International Conference of Inventics, 9-11 iunie, Iaşi.

English edition


3rd ROASS International Conference Semiotic’s Creativity: Unifying Diversities, Differences, Divides Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2010). Constructionist approaches of globalization. Prezentată la 3rd ROASS International Conference Semiotic’s Creativity: Unifying Diversities, Differences, Divides, 4-7 noiembrie, 2010.

English edition


Şcoala Franco-Romană de Metodologie în Ştiinţele Sociale Coautor Cojocaru, D., Cojocaru, S., SANDU, Antonio (2010). Le role de la religion dans le systeme des services sociaux en Roumanie postcommuniste. Prezentată la Şcoala Franco-Romană de Metodologie în Ştiinţele Sociale, 20-23 octombrie 2010.Romanian edition



The 2nd Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition International Conference on Law – Economic Policies – Community Development Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2010). Semiotic and Hermeneutic Practices in the Analysis of Ethnic Minorities. Prezentată la The 2nd Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition International Conference on Law – Economic Policies – Community Development, 5 mai, Bacău.

English edition


A XVIII-a ediţie a Sesiunii Ştiinţifice Anuale UMK cu tema Provocările societății post-comuniste. Dimensiuni politico-Juridice, instituționale și culturale Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio (2010). Perspective postmoderne în analiza fenomenelor sociale şi juridice [A Postmodern Perspective in Analyzing Socio-legal Phenomena]. Prezentată la a XVIII-a ediţie Sesiunea Ştiinţifică Anuală UMK cu tema Provocările societății post-comuniste. Dimensiuni politico-Juridice, instituționale și culturale în perioada 20 – 22 mai 2010, Iași, România.English edition


Conferinţa Criza instituţională a filosofiei în sistemul educaţional românesc. Problematizări şi soluţii pentru ieşirea din criză Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio. (2010). Abordarea apreciativă a filosofiei. Către o nouă abordare a discursului filosofic în spaţiul educaţional [Appreciative approach to philosophy. Towards a new approach to philosophical discourse in educational space]. Prezentată la Conferinţa Criza instituţională a filosofiei în sistemul educaţional românesc. Problematizări şi soluţii pentru ieşirea din criză, 23 aprilie, Cluj-Napoca.
English editionDetalii
Conferinţa Internaţională AROS Unic autor

[single author]

SANDU, Antonio. (2008). Quantum Metaphysic – New Dimensions of Metaphysics in a Transmodern Philosophy. Prezentată la Conferinţa Internaţionale AROS, 23-25 Octombrie 2008, Bacău. Această conferinţă a avut statut de congres internaţional cu participanţi din România, Bulgaria, Belarus, Ucraina, Japonia, Canada, SUA, Spania, Franţa şi Polonia.

English edition
