The Role of Ethics Committees in the Ethical Supervision of Social Service

International Conference Unity and Diversity in Knowledge Society– Copyright © 2012

FORMAT | Presented paper              


HOW TO CITE| Caras, A., & SANDU, Antonio (2012). The Role of Ethics Committees in the Ethical Supervision of Social Service. Prezentată la International Conference Unity and Diversity in Knowledge Society, Academia Română, 27-30 Septembrie 2012, Iaşi.

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We propose to treat the importance of establishing committees of ethics in social work practice. The central ethical problem is represented by the analysis of conditions of ethical acceptability of social intervention. Ethical evaluation of services should consider the principles of beneficence, autonomy, non-maleficence and justice. We will treat the need for ethical supervision, which refers to the effective supervision of the organization’s ethical practices. The central premise is that intervention in social work is a form of action research and thus it should be based on the same rules of research on human subjects. This practice should be made according with ethical principles. Social intervention changes the quality of life of the beneficiary, and this change requires ethical evaluation in order to analyze the conditions in which ethics is perceived and accepted as defining part of the social intervention. We will propose to be introduced ethics committees in the public and providers of social services.


The Role, Ethics Committees, Ethical Supervision, Social Service.