Supervision of Human Resources in Social Work Services
15th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Communicative Action & Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society | CATES 2020– Copyright © 2020
FORMAT | Presented paper
LANGUAGE | English
HOW TO CITE| Unguru, E. & SANDU, Antonio (2020). Supervision of Human Resources in Social Work Services. Prezentat în cadrul 15th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Communicative Action & Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society | CATES 2020 | November 27th-28th, 2020 | Targoviste, Romania. .
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Supervision is considered an extremely important stage in the professional development of specialists in the field of human welfare practice, such as: psychotherapy, coaching, personal development, counseling, etc. In Romania, the supervision of social services became compulsory by the entry into force of Government Order no. 288/2006.
From the institutional perspective, we can talk about two types of supervision: internal and external. The internal supervision refers to the process of supervision in which both the supervisor and the supervised are members of the same organization, while the external supervision is done by inviting a supervisor from outside the organization, with a larger freedom of action, who on one side has no collegiality relationships with the persons supervised, and on the other side, is not subordinated to the organization s management.
Our understanding on human resources is extended, referring both to the personnel and the volunteers, and other categories of stakeholders of the organization, among which we mention: internal/external supervisors, sponsors and financiers, coordinators from the central institution etc. The resource persons should be motivated, have the capacity and opportunity to bring their best possible contribution to fulfilling the mission and purposes of the organization and its development. Structuring the human resources should take into account the institutional priorities, but these should be convergent with the priorities and own resources of the members of the organization. The constitutive values of the organization should be convergent with the individual values of its members in a much wider and continuous manner, in other words if the organization has constitutive value –the value which lead to its emergence –solidarity. At the same time, the personnel should be selected among those that place this value on an important place in the hierarchy of his own social and moral values.
Supervision; Human Resources; Social Work Services; stakeholders of the organization; organization.