Social Constructionism as a Semiotical Paradigm. An analytical Approach of Social Creativity


XIV-th International Conference of Inventics– Copyright © 2010

FORMAT | Presented paper              

LANGUAGE | English

HOW TO CITE| SANDU, Antonio, & Ponea, S. (2010). Social Constructionism as a Semiotical Paradigm. An analytical Approach of Social Creativity. Prezentată la XIV-th International Conference of Inventics, 9-11 iunie, Iaşi.


Today’s global society, from the year 2000, is a paradigmatic shift period, dominated by a theoretical cleavage from theory of the postmodern paradigm, methodological individualism and programmatic deconstruction by a transmodern paradigm, centered on “integration and border spiritualization” both political and cultural, scientific, etc., with the dominant model based on negotiation constucţionist overall interpretation. Complementary to postmodern deconstruction, construcţionism kept its antirealist nature, centering on the multiplicity of experiences and interpretations in a plural world or even a plurality of worlds, and also the correlation with the meaning of words and interpretive will. It emerges through social or cultural mediation of interpretation. There is no single sense that corresponds to a single truth but a multiplicity of senses, reflection of the entire in various levels of fractal existence. Constructionist epistemology takes into account the development of scientific, social and cultural paradigms, as a “negotiation” of interpretations offered by data provided from empirical reality or in other areas such as theoretical knowledge, models, etc.


Constructionism, Social Constructionism, Fractalic constructionism, Semiotic approaches, fractal constructionism approaches