Orthodox Priest’s Role in the Care of Diabetic

International Conference Unity and Diversity in Knowledge Society– Copyright © 2012

FORMAT | Presented paper              


HOW TO CITE| Damian, S. I., SANDU, Antonio, & Necula, M. R. (2012). Orthodox Priest’s Role in the Care of Diabetic. Prezentată la International Conference Unity and Diversity in Knowledge Society, Academia Română, 27-30 Septembrie 2012, Iaşi.

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In the present paper we intend to focus on the opinion of Orthodox priests involved in the spiritual care of diabetic patients. Our research is based on a qualitative- interpretative methodology. The focus group technique was especially used. Data were collected in Iasi during July-December 2011. We intend to hig- hlight a relationship pattern between the actors involved in the care process, with a high regard on the role of Orthodox priests and on the established communication model. Interviewed priests know their role in the care process, emphasizing the spiritual dimension of care, but also the role of the other professionals involved in this process. Orthodox priests showed that they asks those in distress to seek and follow medical advice and, on the other hand, doctors recommend patients to benefit from the spiritual care offered by the priest. Respondents indicate that the majority of diabetic patients experience a peace of mind respecting the Christian tradition, including the fast and its rigors, with all the features of the diabetic lifestyle.


Orthodox Priest’s, Role, Care of Diabetic.