Theoretical Perspectives about Regulatory and Institutional Framework for the Functioning of Supervision in Social Work
5th Central & Eastern European LUMEN International Conference New Approaches in Social and Humanistic Sciences- Copyright © 2018
FORMAT | Presented paper
LANGUAGE | English
HOW TO CITE| Unguru (Gafton), E., & SANDU, Antonio (2018). Theoretical Perspectives about Regulatory and Institutional Framework for the Functioning of Supervision in Social Work. Prezentat în cadrul 5th Central & Eastern European LUMEN International Conference New Approaches in Social and Humanistic Sciences | CEE NASHS 5th edition | 21-22 September 2018 | Hradec Kralove, Chzech Republic.
Program si Working Papers disponibile aici
We aim to review in this paper a series of regulatory frameworks based on which the process of supervision of social services in countries such as Singapore, New Zeeland, Australia, Canada, USA, Great Britain and Romania. By comparatively analyzing these frameworks, we noticed that generally, there are two models formulated – the first one which regards the supervisor as a professional with experience in social work, and the other model sees supervision as a distinct profession with transdisciplinary nature, but with access limited by the need for an initial training and previous experience in the field of social work. The regulatory institutional frameworks for functioning of supervision in social work are relatively uniform throughout the world, reflecting the evolution of the profession of social worker.
social work; supervision in social work; supervision framework; process of supervision; transdisciplinarity.