Meanings of Diabetic Patients’ Autonomy from a Doctor’s Perspective

Cambridge Scholars Publishing – Copyright © 2013


PAGINI| 237-244        

LIMBA| Engleză

ISBN| 978-1-4438-4338-6



SANDU, Antonio (2013). Meanings of Diabetic Patients’ Autonomy from a Doctor’s Perspective. În P. L. Runcan, G. Raţă, & M. B. Iovu (Coord.), Applied Social Sciences: Sociology (pp. 237-244). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


The concept of autonomy operationalises, in the ethical dimension of behaviour, the philosophical category of freedom. The latter appears as the absolute capacity in self-achievement being the divine privilege. The human experience of freedom emerges through the existence of limits. The aasertion of individual identity and, with it, freedom, is subjective through the experience of freedom and difference. The category of freedom experienced subjectively by the individual in dealing with their own limitations generates behaviour of self-determination (autonomy) or obedience (heteronomy). The correlation between autonomy and freedom is strong in what is called positive freedom.

Domenii de interes:

  • filosofie
  • etica
  • constructie sociala