In digital pursuit of happiness. Appreciative ethics and virtual philosophical cafe
Lit Publishing – Copyright © 2015
PAGINI| 349-364
LIMBA| Engleză
ISBN| 978-3-643-90659-5
Sandu, A. (2015). In digital pursuit of happiness. Appreciative ethics and virtual philosophical cafe. In M. Weiss (Coord.), The Socratic Handbook. Methods and Manuals for Applied Ethics and Philosophical Practice (pp. 349-364). Lit Publishing.
By virtualizing the social space we understand the construction of a communicative universe in the virtual space, and the transfer of a significant part of the social interactions towards it. The virtualization of the social space alters the behavioural habitus, while any kind of communicative interaction may suffer virtualizing effects, which lead to intrinsic changes of the interactional specific. Virtual space is non-tridimensional, the topological distance being replaced by the intersubjective intensity of communication. This change affects the apperception of spatiality in its categorical nature. The theoretical foundation of the model starts from Habermas’ work Theory of communicative action, and from his idea of public sphere genesis in the literary and philosophical coffee shops, seen as public debate places.
The philosophical café model, as a facilitating technique of the philosophical dialogue, was formally established by Marc Sautet. Based on the practice established by Sautet and the Appreciative Socialization Group initiated by Simona Ponea and Antonio Sandu in 2009, we plan to customize these techniques for the virtual space. Appreciative counselling is derived by us from the appreciative inquiry, as it was formulated by David Cooperider and Suresh Srivatsva. The model plans to abandon the deficiency paradigm and replace it with the appreciation of the elements that ensure success, development and growth of social systems.
Appreciative ethics can be developed by returning to the ethics of virtues. Instead of discussing prohibiting ethics based on what is not moral (the paradigm of deficiency), we can construct the ethics of a communicative and affirmative action, focused on constitutive ethical values of the social systems. The theoretical framework of this paradigm was developed in the author’s other works. In this chapter we will present only a series of techniques that can to be used both in the classic and the virtual programs of philosophical café. Among the methods and techniques that will be presented in this article, we mention: the method of compliments, the Socratic appreciation, the identification of virtue, the appreciative abstraction, the philosophical transfiguration, the philosophical intuition etc. (Autorul).
Domenii de interes:
- filosofie
- actiune comunicativa
- etica
- constructie sociala