Education for mass-media in the context of new educations [Educația pentru mass-media în contextul noilor educații]
Economics, Social and Engineering Sciences “EcoSoEn”– Copyright © 2019
PAGES | 138-146
LANGUAGE | English
ISSN| 2587-344X
HOW TO CITE| Gribincea, Z., & SANDU, Antonio (2019). Education for mass-media in the context of new educations [Educația pentru mass-media în contextul noilor educații]. Economics, Social and Engineering Sciences “EcoSoEn”, 2(3-4), 138-146.
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This article provides an analysis of the pedagogical orientations and sociological approaches to the media, focused as a priority on developing the skills and media culture of the public consuming public information. The main issues specified in this context refer to media education concept analysis, the theoretical models underlying the different approaches, the difference between actions and purpose in the educational activities and of the pedagogical perspective of the educational and community environment.
media education, media literacy, culture media, media skills.
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