Contributions to a Constructionist Interpretation of Social Contract Theories. A Semiotical Approaches

Buletinul Științific al Universității “Mihail Kogalniceanu” din Iași– Copyright © 2013


PAGES | 37-53       

LANGUAGE | English

ISSN| 1221-4876

HOW TO CITE| SANDU, Antonio. (2013). Contributions to a Constructionist Interpretation of Social Contract Theories. A Semiotical Approaches. Buletinul Științific al Universității “Mihail Kogalniceanu” din Iași, 22(2), 37–53.

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Constructivism and social constructionism both refer to how individuals operate with constructs, understood as operational definitions on reality clippings. Social constructionism places the formation of constructs at the level of interactions in the social environment, individuals assigning and redesigning them towards social environment. It is mainly a sociological approach but we consider suitable for social philosophy itself. We understand the social contract as an interpretative (semiotic) pact resulting from a process generating meanings. Social constructs arising from the interpretative process are: social order, law, or, in general, normativity and power status. The process of alienation of the power from its transcendent roots, and its reinstatement on the grounds of public interest is the context of the social construction of the idea of state and justice.


Social contract, contractualism, social construction of reality, social constructionism.


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