Critical Perspectives on Evaluating the Corruption in the Republic of Moldova

Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty Section: Social Sciences– Copyright © 2016


PAGES | 71-77       

LANGUAGE | English

ISSN| 2284-5747

HOW TO CITE| SANDU, Antonio (2016). Critical Perspectives on Evaluating the Corruption in the Republic of Moldova. Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty. Section: Social Sciences, V(1), 71-77.

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This paper aims to bring critical opinions on the doctoral thesis of Mister Iurie Gaţcan, entitled „Corruption as a social phenomenon and the anti-corruption mechanisms (the case of the Republic of Moldova)”. The critical approach on the abovementioned paper was done from the perspective of an ethicist, fact which created a moment of reflection, referring to corruption, that Iurie Gaţcan sees both in a historical way, as a phenomenon of moral degradation of the society and the individuals, and in a sociological way, as a particular phenomenon “characteristic to the democratic organizations”. The author places corruption in the area of social reasoning by calling for the theory of functional bureaucracy proposed by Max Weber. This approach on corruption indisputably places it as a part of the social action. The emergence and development of corruption is correlated with anomia, rather being a dysfunction of the social system as a reversal of the normative area of the society.


review; corruption; social phenomenon; anti-corruption mechanisms.


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