Sorin Tudor Maxim, a Philosopher of the Moral Responsibility
Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty Section: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences © 2019
PAGES | 7-14
LANGUAGE | English
ISSN| 2284 – 5976
HOW TO CITE| SANDU, Antonio (2017). Sorin Tudor Maxim, a Philosopher of the Moral Responsibility. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty, Section: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, V(1), 7-14.
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Professor Sorin Tudor Maxim aims to tackle this immense challenge by rethinkingethics in at least three major fields: its ontological foundation – in the moral responsibility towards the Other in the Levinasian manner – of the epistemic function – proposing a prospective ethics, simultaneously being situated in the horizon of both philosophy and science – and in the pragmatic dimension – by establishing tolerance as modus operandi for any approach that will be claimed as practical philosophy.
Sorin-Tudor Maxim; prospective ethics; moral responsibility; tolerance.
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