15TH LUMEN International Online Scientific Conference CATES2020 | November 27-28, 2020 | Romania

LUMEN CATES 2020 – Public Perception on the Importance of Ethics Counseling


Descriere: Paper presented at the 15TH LUMEN International Online Scientific Conference CATES2020 | November 27-28, 2020 | Targoviste, Romania

by Antonio SANDU (“Stefan cel Mare” University from Suceava, Romania) | “Public Perception on the Importance of Ethics Counseling and the Role of Ethics Counselor in Public Organizations”

Romanian legislation requires the existence of an ethics counselor in public organizations, to evaluate and report cases of violations of ethics in the organization, but also to provide support in overcoming ethical dilemmas faced by the members of the organization. Although the existence and the role of ethics counselor in organizations have been regulated for more than 10 years, in many of the Romanian public organizations his activity is held at a level of form without content, the ethics counselor being generally a person appointed from the Human Resources department, whose attributions are established in the job description, but whose activity is little known by the members of the organization. This research aims to assess public perception of ethics in organizations, and in this paper we will present the results of the research – conducted in the NE region of Romania in October-November 2019, on a representative sample of 700 people from the studied region. Regarding the existence of ethics counseling and the role of the ethics counselor in public organizations, among those who work in a public institution, 45% say they know who is the person who has ethics counseling responsibilities within the organization in which they work, and 55% say they do not know who this ethics counselor is and what is his activity.

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LUMEN CATES 2020 – Sesiunea Plenara # 2

Descriere: Sesiunea Plenara # 2 in cadrul 15th LUMEN International Online Scientific Conference Communicative Action & Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society| CATES2020 | 27-28 Noiembrie 2020

Plenary Speaker | Antonio SANDU – Prof. PhD. “Stefan cel Mare” University from Suceava, Romania. Speech title | Public Perception on the Importance of Ethics Counseling and the Role of Ethics Counselor in Public Organizations

Plenary Speaker | Bogdan POPOVENIUC – Professor PhD, Stefan cel Mare University from Suceava, Romania. Speech title | The Teacher’s Moral “Luck”
Moderator – PhD Stud. Alexandra HUIDU

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