Cadre normativ-instituționale ale construcției sociale a profesiei de consilier de probațiune în România și Republica Moldova


Cercetări sociale și umaniste:  perspective teoretice și aplicative. Zilele Academice Ieșene– Copyright © 2015

FORMAT | Presented paper              

LANGUAGE | English

HOW TO CITE| SANDU, Antonio (2015). Cadre normativ-instituționale ale construcției sociale a profesiei de consilier de probațiune în România și Republica Moldova. Prezentată la Cercetări sociale și umaniste:  perspective teoretice și aplicative. Zilele Academice Ieșene. Institutul de Cercetări Economice și Sociale „Gh. Zane”,  Academia Română, Filiala Iași 8-9 octombrie 2015, Iași, România.

Program disponibil aici


This article seeks to outline the instrumental-normative dimension of social construction of the profession of probation – in Romania and Moldova institutional context. The main thematic axes of research are the institutional construction of probation, the values which make necessary the occurrence of institution – both social institutions and legal ones which peg the probation context, the theoretical paradigms and ideological perspectives which incorporate those values into operational systems and institutional strategies of implementing probation – as social pragmatics derived from these theories. In the present article we intend at the identification of socio-legal perspectives of social construction of probation counselor profession, in the context of institutional redefinition of this profession in Romania and Moldova. The social construction of the probation counselor profession, a field with a strong welfare emphasis, envisages an institutional side – the development of specific institutions and the regulatory framework, based on existing social theories concerning the importance and role of social alternatives to incarceration, which allow the probation service operation, and a human side – represented by professionals, with their aspirations, beliefs and values they bring to their professional practice.


social construction, probation, institutional context.
