Using Guided Imagery in Experiential Philosophical Counseling
Conferința Europeană de Psihiatrie și Sănătate Mintală, GALATIA 2021– Copyright © 2021
FORMAT | Presented paper
LANGUAGE | English
HOW TO CITE| SANDU, Antonio (2021). Using Guided Imagery in Experiential Philosophical Counseling. Prezentată la Conferința Europeană de Psihiatrie și Sănătate Mintală, GALATIA 2021, a-V-a Ediție, 21-25 Aprilie 2021 | Online | România.
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Developments in counselling theory and practice put the client at the centre of the therapeutic process. Imagery techniques became widely adopted and developed in these new therapies. Guided imagery helps us to enter a relaxed state of body & mind. It helps us to use our imaginations to calm, to focus on inner strengths, to discover our own wise solutions.
guided imagery, experiential philosophical counseling, therapeutic process.