Study On The National Endoprosthetics Program Based On The Cost-Effectiveness Analysis And The Kuhn-Tucker Optimality Conditions


A VIII-a Conferinţa Naţională de Bioetică cu participare internațională– Copyright © 2012

FORMAT | Presented paper              

LANGUAGE |Romanian

HOW TO CITE| SANDU, Antonio, & Nica, A. (2012). Study On The National Endoprosthetics Program Based On The Cost-Effectiveness Analysis And The Kuhn-Tucker Optimality Conditions. Prezentată la Conferinţa Naţională de Bioetică cu participare internațională, 13-16 septembrie 2012, Cluj-Napoca.

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The efficient use of resources involves finding a way to improve the health state. The choice of such a method can be carried out both theoretically and practically. Theoretically, several models of the cost-effectiveness type can be applied; practically, these methods come across major issues caused by many other factors. Our paper, Study on the National Endoprosthetics Program Based on the Cost-Effectiveness Analysis and the Kuhn-Tucker Optimality Conditions deals, from a theoretical viewpoint, with the way in which maximum efficiency can be obtained at minimum costs.
Based on the cost-effectiveness analysis, the basic notions of convex programming, and the Kuhn-Tucker theorem, we have investigated and applied the Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions in the case of the National Endoprosthetics Program, in order to find the optimal function for obtaining maximimum effectiveness with minimum costs.
To determine the extreme of the efficiency function f, on the set of the non-negative solutions, the solution for obtaining maximum effectiveness at minimum costs is f=644200.


endoprosthetics, optimality conditions, cost-effectiveness analysis, resources.