Quantum Metaphysic – New Dimensions of Metaphysics in a Transmodern Philosophy


Conferinţa Internaţională AROS– Copyright © 2008

FORMAT | Presented paper              

LANGUAGE | English

HOW TO CITE| SANDU, Antonio. (2008). Quantum Metaphysic – New Dimensions of Metaphysics in a Transmodern Philosophy. Prezentată la Conferinţa Internaţionale AROS, 23-25 Octombrie 2008, Bacău. Această conferinţă a avut statut de congres internaţional cu participanţi din România, Bulgaria, Belarus, Ucraina, Japonia, Canada, SUA, Spania, Franţa şi Polonia.

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Constructionist epistemology takes into account the development of scientific, social and cultural paradigms, as a “negotiation” of interpretations offered by data provided from empirical reality or in other areas such as theoretical knowledge, models, etc. Any type of speech is interpreted as a “social reconstruction of reality” starting from a cultural consensus. For example, science paradigms are culturally interpreted and generate a series of models, named by Thomas Germine (1955) quantum metaphysics. Meaning of concepts, as they are taken from scientific language in cultural discourse, is a paradigmatic model, relatively independent from the scientific model of origin. Cultural derive of meaning of concepts underlies the semantic convergence of any socio-cultural paradigm. At the level of mentality occurs the deepest restructuring through the transition from understanding an objective, single and knowable world to a model of a plurality of worlds, whose indetermination is predicted theoretically.


Quantum Metaphysic, New Dimensions, Metaphysics, Transmodern Philosophy