Informed consent – ethical tool of implementation of autonomy in social services

A VIII-a Conferinţa Naţională de Bioetică cu participare internațională– Copyright © 2012

FORMAT | Presented paper              

LANGUAGE |Romanian

HOW TO CITE| SANDU, Antonio, Caras, A., & Necula, R. M. (2012). Informed consent – ethical tool of implementation of autonomy in social services. Prezentată la Conferinţa Naţională de Bioetică cu participare internațională, 13-16 septembrie 2012, Cluj-Napoca.

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The context of approaching such issue is given by the need of application and development of autonomy of social work beneficiaries, through specific interventions of organizations in the field.
The central ethical problem is represented by the way in which the idea of informed consent is perceived by social workers and which are the tools to ensure that social intervention is performed starting from the informed consent of the beneficiary.
The methodological approach is qualitative, based on a number of four interviews with experts in social work from the public environment. Perceptions are identified by highlighting key words related to autonomy, contract services, informed consent (whatever form that is present in the intervention on the beneficiary). Analysis is done through a series of successive inductions whose result will be the drafting of a model of informed consent that becomes an instrument of social construction of autonomy of the individual in the social work process.


informed consent, autonomy, ethical intervention.