Evaluation Of Supervision In Social Work Practice In Rural Areas

International Scientific Conference Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty– Copyright © 2011

FORMAT | Presented paper              

LANGUAGE | English

HOW TO CITE| SANDU, Antonio, & Unguru, E. (2011). Evaluation Of Supervision In Social Work Practice In Rural Areas. Prezentată la Lumen International Scientific Conference Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty, 18-19 februarie, Iaşi.

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This article was developed during the Research Supervision of Social Services in rural areas of the county of Iasi. The theme was chosen because there is public or private initiatives aimed to introducing professional supervision in social work services in rural areas. We aimed to study the context in which they can be carried out, in terms of theoretical and methodological current state of social care in rural areas and the objective conditions in which supervision can be conducted.
Research objectives:
We intend to highlight:
– The specific of practice of the supervision in rural areas.
– Dimensions of supervision as they are understood by the social workers from rural areas;
– Correlation between the needs of supervision and supervisor roles within social services in rural areas.
The paper is based on an implicit assumption, that the supervision is carried out in rural areas without taking into consideration the best practices avaible in scientific literature. Given this situation we intend to keep an implicit epistemic distance to that assumption. Research was conducted through a constructive Grounded Theory methodology using structured and directives interview as the main technical, where, questions are applied in a rigid order.
Research conclusions:
Social workers from rural communities generally considers theirs work as diverse and demanding, having a job description more than 10 pages. Subjects considered theirs work as burdensome though at first beautiful. Responses are generally in agreement with the theory, showing a good knowledge of the functions of supervision. We can mention a number of responses that emphasize control side of supervision and monitor review again, and control.
We believe that low professional prestige of social workers in rural community adversely interfere with quality of their work.


supervision, social work, Grounded Theory, rural community, structures in vivo.