Could Neuroenhancement be an Ethical Approaches in Social Work Practice?


9th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Communicative Action & Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society  | CATES 2017– Copyright © 2017

FORMAT | Presented paper              

LANGUAGE | English

HOW TO CITE| SANDU, Antonio & Unguru, E. (2017). Could Neuroenhancement be an Ethical Approaches in Social Work Practice? Prezentat în cadrul 9th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Communicative Action & Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society  | CATES 2017 | 24-25 November 2017 | Targoviste, Romania.

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Neuroethics is a means of understanding consciousness from the perspective of its relation to the nervous system, as physical support of the consciousness. Neuroethics is an interdisciplinary field of research aimed at understanding the consciousness and the mind through the relationship between it and the brain’s physical support. Among other things, the ethical perspective refers to the acceptability of the practices used to modify human behavior through interventions on the nervous system. Neuroethics research addresses areas such as neuro-imaging techniques, cognitive enhancement and neuro-pharmacology. We will discuss the limits and risks of the neuro-regeneration procedures given by the development of new possible classes and social categories. The article aims to present a theoretical perspective on the possible implications of neuroetics in the practice of social services from the point of view of the confidentiality of the counselor-beneficiary relationship. We will mainly discuss the issue of confidentiality from a neuroethic perspective. The neuroethical approach allows a rethinking of the ethical values in the process of ethical evalution of the technologies. The autonomy, a classic concept in bioethics and the post-Kantian traditional ethica loses its philosophical consistency since any cognitive or ethical enhancement distorts the expressive autonomy and the authentic nature of the moral agency.


Neuroethics, neurosociology, neuroenhancement, social work, supervision.