Bioenhancement, artificial intelligence, spirituality and God-like responsability of mankind – Bioethical challenges
A XIV-a editie a Conferinței Naționale de Bioetică, cu participare internațională– Copyright © 2019
FORMAT | Presented paper
LANGUAGE | English
HOW TO CITE| SANDU, Antonio. (2019). Bioenhancement, artificial intelligence, spirituality and God-like responsability of mankind – Bioethical challenges. Prezentat în cadrul celei de-a XIV-a editii a Conferinței Naționale de Bioetică cu participare internațională | December 5-7, 2019 | Iași, România.
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The process of virtualization of the social space is based on the transfer of social interactions in a special environment of virtual hyperspace, based on instant communication and eliminating objective distances due to online communication media. A number of philosophers, including Nick Bostrom, discuss the issue of bioenhancement and the emergence of an artificial intelligence, a depository of all human knowledge capable of interacting with both human beings, possibly based on neural interfaces, and also with various objects, transformed into intelligent objects and connected to each other through the Internet of Things Network. In the context of this article, we are interested to what extent such an artificial intelligence may be the subject of quasi-religious beliefs, but also how humanity might relate differently to the Divine, due to interacting with a Godlike artificial intelligence. Also, we will stress on the challenges raised by artificial intelligence technology in medicine and bioethics.
virtual space, internet of things network, artificial intelligence, virtual hyperspace.