Values Based Social Work. Constitutive and Operational Values



6th LUMEN International Conference RETHINKING SOCIAL ACTION. CORE VALUES-RSACVP 2015– Copyright © 2015

FORMAT | Presented paper              

LANGUAGE | English

HOW TO CITE| Frunză, A., & SANDU, Antonio (2015). Values Based Social Work. Constitutive and Operational Values. Prezentată la 6th LUMEN International Conference Rethinking Social Action. Core Values, 16-19 aprilie 2015, Iași, România.

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The work is the result of research carried out during 2012- 2013, in social work field, in order to determine structural frames of a welfare model centered on ethical values, based on qualitative data analysis – Grounded Theory – obtained by individual and group interviews of social workers in the NE region of Romania.
The objective of this research is to identify those ethical values in social care professionals consider to be constitutive for social work profession and that those values resulting from the speech of interviewees to be operational in the current practice of social services. We consider the generating a theoretical model of social work centered on ethical values which underpin the construction of ethical expertise in social services. We identified a grid of the hierarchy of ethical values, which starts from the operational values present in the speech of respondents and their professional practices, and inductive related ethical principles who are governing those practices, leading ultimately to stating a set of corresponding constitutive values.
The analysis model is consistent of recent models of development of expertise in social work, through the supervision of ethics.


constitutive values, social work, operational values, ethics expertise, supervision of ethics.