Social construction of autonomy. Meanings of autonomy of diabetic patient from doctor’s perspective

The 3rd World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Administration- Copyright © 2012

FORMAT | Poster paper              

LANGUAGE | English

HOW TO CITE| SANDU, Antonio (2012). Social construction of autonomy. Meanings of autonomy of diabetic patient from doctor’s perspective. Prezentat la The 3rd World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Administration (WCLTA), 25-28 Octombrie 2012, Brussels, Belgia.

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The research aims to identify an operational definition of patient autonomy that both diabetes doctors and general practitioners work with, that guide the doctor-patient relationship and how the doctor relates to the patient. Doctors operate with a definition of patient autonomy involving his rationality and ability to make decisions consciously. In these conditions we expect therapeutic education to be central in the approach of doctor-patient with chronic disease relationship as informing the patient about the specific lifestyle that he should take and the risk he is exposed to if he refuses, the patient will manifest a maximum adherence.


autonomy, applied ethics, self-achievement, authenticity.