Philosophical Practice in Times of Pandemic
16th International Conference on Philosophical Practice. Philosophical practice for self-knowledge by means of intellectual creativity | ICPP 2020- Copyright © 2020
FORMAT | Presented paper
LANGUAGE | English
HOW TO CITE| SANDU, Antonio (2020). Philosophical Practice in Times of Pandemic. Prezentat în cadrul 16th International Conference on Philosophical Practice. Philosophical practice for self-knowledge by means of intellectual creativity| ICPP 2020, July 28-31 2020, St. Petersburg. .
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The medicalization of society practically represents the effect of the society of risk, of the fact that the society is more easily aware of the various risks that individuals feel threatened about. A pandemic causes the whole society to be restricted, social activity to be shrinked. This is possible in the context of a medicalized society, which brings with it a lifestyle based on a sometimes exaggerated care for the health condition, healthy lifestyles, bio lifestyles and so on, which are imposing precisely on our fear of losing our comfort and health, in the context in which we are more aware of the risk to which we are exposed by various elements of daily life. Many of these efforts prove to be superficial, and to be aware of the ways in which these daily risks to health actually impact our life, can be achieved through ethical counseling and philosophical counseling. This changes the approach to philosophy and creates a relative incompatibility of fundamental themes of contemporary philosophy with the everyday intellectual concerns of the potential readers of philosophy.
Philosophical practice, times of pandemic, healthy lifestyles.