Experiential Approach and Non-Dualistic Meditation in Philosophical Practice
50th International Conference on Parallel Processing, August 9-12, ICPP2021– Copyright © 2021
FORMAT | Presented paper
LANGUAGE | English
HOW TO CITE| SANDU, Antonio (2021). Experiential Approach and Non-Dualistic Meditation in Philosophical Practice. Acceptata la prezentare in cadrul 50th International Conference on Parallel Processing, August 9-12, 2021. Chicago (Argonne National Lab), Illinois, USA.
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The theoretical foundation of experiential psychotherapy originates in philosophy, more precisely in that of phenomenological and existentialist orientation. The mentioned philosophical perspectives were operationalized from a psychotherapeutic point of view by psychologists who belong to the current of humanistic psychology. The experiential perspective includes meditative experiences, including those corelated to the experience of trance states or altered consciousness experience. In philosophical practice, this approach aims at experiencing existential phobias and anxieties and the specific limitations of the human condition. In this lecture we will emphasize the use in philosophical practice of meditative techniques originated in the non-dualistic practices of Kashmiri Shivaism recovered from the existential perspective, as an experience of pure subjectivity.
experiential therapy; philosophical counseling; non-dualistic meditation.