Education and Training of Specialists in Social Work in Supervision Area

4th Central & Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference on Education, Sport & Health- Copyright © 2017

FORMAT | Presented paper              

LANGUAGE | English

HOW TO CITE| Unguru, E., & SANDU, Antonio (2017). Education and Training of Specialists in Social Work in Supervision Area. Prezentat în cadrul 4th Central & Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference on Education, Sport & Health | September 29-30, 2017 | Chisinau, Moldova.

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The concept of “supervision” aims at an activity meant to contribute to the continuous professional development of practitioners in the social field (Sandu, Unguru, Ponea & Cojocaru, 2010), helping the practitioners improve their “abilities of reflection” and of transposing the social theory (Ponea, 2009) into effective welfarist practice. Bernard and Goodyear (1998) also consider supervision to be an intervention provided by a person with more professional experience, following the transfer of knowledge towards a less experienced person. Supervision is often confused with therapy, or the process of counseling, given the symmetry of the discoursive practice between the two: both counseling and supervision are based on a non-directive methodology, based on the reflection on the problem the client is facing. The supervised social workers expect an increased and continuous attention from the supervisors. Basically the social workers expect understanding, acknowledgment, validation, affirmation and confirmation from their supervisors. The relationship of supervision is seen as being an ensuring one for the fairness of the professional practice. The educational function of supervision aims to increase knowledge, skills and competences of the social workers (Kadushin, 2014) and the social workers‟ internalization of the organization‟s values (Frunza, 2017).


supervision; education; training, social workers.