Communication and therapeutic effects of physician-patient relationship

5th International Conference of Orthodox Psychoterapists Psychoterapy & Pastorale: Revelations of the Existence- Copyright © 2012

FORMAT | Presented paper              

LANGUAGE | English

HOW TO CITE| Stamatin, O., Necula, R., Damian, S., SANDU, Antonio, Vicol, M. (2012). Communication and therapeutic effects of physician-patient relationship. Prezentat la 5th International Conference of Orthodox Psychoterapists Psychoterapy & Pastorale: Revelations of the Existence, 27-30 Septembrie 2012, Grecia.

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The rules that typically apply in the relationship physician/patient are different from those in any other kind of social relationship, still having elements in common with pastor/faithful relation. Similar to the situation specified, shortly after they meet the patient begins to provide health information and personal activities and most times it is subject of a physical examination. These are elements part of a unidirectional process, from patient to doctor, the first is looking for expertise and treatment and the second has the role of care provider seeking information in order to implement specialized treatment. Patient approaches from the perspective of personal relationship, the doctor integrates the interests of all patients whom they treat, being a continuous process of exchanging information, which according to literature improves recovery and increases the success rate of interventions. Each consultation is unique and takes place in a predetermined social context, under the auspices of social understanding and the lack of communication or non-participation may result in multiple consultations, waste of time and funding. The way the doctor and patient consultation relate to medical care and confession of the faithful with the pastor can have a major impact on the personal experience or the medical condition devlopment.
Four types of behaviors are specific in doctor-patient relationship: Paternalistic – characterized by an orientation towards physician, monosyllabic answers from the patient, with focus on disease and diagnosis, rather than the experience of the patient. Current – the patient is informed, knows what he wants and forces the doctor to focus upon him. Standard – most often not viable, given that the doctor endeavors but the patient is unwilling to accept the communication. Egalitarian – using open questions, the patient shows compliance, and the doctor makes the effort to listen and understand the patient’s point of view.


physician-patient relation, medical consultation, behavioral types.