Ethical Issues in Social Work Practice

Ethical Issues in Social Work Practice: 9781522530909: Social Sciences & Humanities Books | IGI Global

IGI GLOBAL – Copyright © 2017


PAGINI| 328           

LIMBA| Engleză

ISBN| 978-1-5225-3090-9


Antonio SANDU






Social work profession should be characterized by a reflective equilibrium based theory, the professional experiences being triggered by the values that give the nature of this profession. The ethics literature in social work is dominated by the normative approach centred on underlying the codes of ethics and the secondary ethical legislation involved in the professionalization of social workers.
Currently, most of the professional national associations of social workers operate on certain codes of ethics internally developed, starting generally from the ethical values of the profession. The interest for these codes is given by the possibility of their development, through a management of ethics and the construction of certain personal ethics policies, specific for organisations providing social services.
The development of ethics in social work should be based on its detachment under the empire of axiology and political philosophy, rather following an orientation towards the management of ethics and the ethical expertise. The exit from the spectrum of theoretic towards the applied ethics without abandoning the meta-ethical fundaments can only be done, in a first stage, by similar developments to those of applied ethics in medicine. The professionalization of respect towards the patients’ rights, either through means of bioethical principle, or through ethics of care, can underlie a bioethics of the social intervention.
In a further stage of development, the ethics of social work should overcome the principle level. For example, if the principle of autonomy in bioethics targets the specialists’ respect towards the patient and his/her right to make an informed decision, in social work the autonomy and obtaining the quality of moral agent of vulnerable people is the very purpose of practice, and not a modus operandi. In other words, if for the medical practice, the autonomy is an operational value which guides how should the medical act take place, it becomes a constitutive value for the social intervention, as it guides the purpose of the social worker’s practice.

Domenii de interes:

  • asistenta sociala
  • etica
  • audit organizational


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