Probation between Counselling and Supervision

Studia Universitatis Moldaviae. Seria Științe Sociale– Copyright © 2016


PAGES | 30-38       

LANGUAGE | English

ISSN| 2587-344X

HOW TO CITE| SANDU, Antonio (2016). Probation between Counselling and Supervision. Studia Universitatis Moldaviae. Seria Științe Sociale, 8(98), 30-38.

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The purpose of this article is to highlight the perspective of the probation counsellors from N.-E. Romania on the nature and particularities of their relationship with the supervised persons. In order to conduct such an analysis, we used data collected from 12 interviews with the probation counsellors in the aforementioned region. The data was interpreted using the Grounded Theory inductive methodology. Among the most important results, there is the fact that the professionals define a dual nature of the relationship: supervision and counselling doubled by support.


probation counsellor, probation service, relationship, empathy, professionalism.


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