Philosophical Practice and Social Welfare Counselling and Supervision of Ethics
Philosophical Practice: Journal of The APPA– Copyright © 2013
PAGES | 55-64
LANGUAGE | English
ISSN| 1742-8181
HOW TO CITE|SANDU, Antonio, & Caras, A. (2013). Philosophical Practice and Social Welfare Counselling and Supervision of Ethics. Philosophical Practice: Journal of The APPA, 8(3), 55-64. Disponibil online la adresa:
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Context: Ethical counseling is a process which facilitates the identification of ethical dilemmas that individuals or organizations are facing and ways out of these dilemmas that are most congruent with the vision shared by the individual or organization, context in which supervision of individuals intervenes as a support process. The paper starts from a set of convergence that we could find between philosophical practice and the counselling proces specific to the field of social welfare. Those convergences we see them under methodological aspect, axiological, teleological and pragmatic point of view. We will present in what follows a practice model of counseling of ethics derived from counseling in social welfare. We mention that philosophical ethical counseling model that focuses on solving ethical dilemmas represents a transposition of social practice at the level of counseling of ethics.
philosophical practice, social welfare, counselling, supervision of ethics.
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