Percepţia Autorităţilor Publice Locale din mediul rural cu privire la modernizarea serviciilor sociale în contextul European [Perception of Local Public Authorities from Rural Areas on the Modernization of the Social Services in the European Context]

Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty. Section: Social Sciences– Copyright © 2012


PAGES | 127-149       

LANGUAGE | English

ISSN| 2284-5747

ISBN| 978-973-166-251-0

HOW TO CITE| SANDU, Antonio, & Unguru, E. (2012). Percepţia Autorităţilor Publice Locale din mediul rural cu privire la modernizarea serviciilor sociale în contextul European [Perception of Local Public Authorities from Rural Areas on the Modernization of the Social Services in the European Context]. Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty. Section: Social Sciences, I(1),  127-149. Disponibil online la adresa:

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Romanian rural is currently subject to two separate integrative process that is partially overlapping Europeanization process generated by the integration of Romania into the European Union and on the other hand the phenomenon of globalization. We intend to highlight the perception of modern and professionalized social services from the perspective of decision makers at the community level (mayors). Data interpretation was done by succession of induction according to the specific of Grounded Theory. We note that the mayors interviewed emphasize continuous on their monitoring and control function even more than professional support, information and advice. We believe that a better understanding of the mayors of the rural communities of all size of supervisory process could increase their interest in social practice and thus quality of work of social workers. Synthesizing our research analysis emerged several key words that define supervisions. A keyword frequency analysis shows that the control function is best known by the survey respondents.


globalization of social practices; supervision; social work; rural mayors.


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