Using Constructionst Methodology in Analyzing the Phenomenon of Globalization [Utilizarea metodologiei construcţioniste în analiza fenomenului globalizării]
Anuarul Universităţii „Petre Andrei” din Iaşi, Fascicula: Drept, Ştiinţe Economice, Ştiinţe Politice– Copyright © 2011
PAGES | 219-234
LANGUAGE | English
ISSN| 2248 – 1079
HOW TO CITE| SANDU, Antonio (2011). Using Constructionst Methodology in Analyzing the Phenomenon of Globalization [Utilizarea metodologiei construcţioniste în analiza fenomenului globalizării]. Anuarul Universităţii „Petre Andrei” din Iaşi, Fascicula: Drept, Ştiinţe Economice, Ştiinţe Politice, 8, 219-234.
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The purpose of our research aims to identify the constituent dimensions of globalization and specific trends and possible socio-pathologies. We will present some of the domains in which globalization is most present, the research aiming to sketch the opportunities and risk factors for society, especially for the Romanian society, appeared as emerging results of globalization of communication. Through social space virtualization we understand the construction of a new communicational Universe in virtual space and the transfer of social interactions with globalizing nature. Educational interaction is this kind of model, “virtual learning” systems could be considered a learning opportunity, but also a risk in terms of quality of academic programs carried out by systems of “online masters” or even “virtual universities”. Virtualization of social space changes behavioural habitus, for example within marital relationships. “Online dating” sites are such examples of modification to the proactive behaviour looking for a partner by accepting a passive “matching” sometimes followed by “virtual sex”. From virtual sex practices as a situation of anomie, the research will head towards cyber crime globalization and virtual space as social space of new forms of organized crime. Not least, we will take into account the modification of creativity dimension through forms of “collaborative creativity”. The research will focus on the possible ontological construction derived from a model of constructionist epistemology. The research is a trans-disciplinary approach, from the perspectives of social field analysis, axiology, semiotic, and philosophy of languages. We also analyze constructionist approaches of constructionist formalization of languages.
Globalization, social constructionism, trans-disciplinary approach.
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