Un model afirmativ-apreciativ în consilierea filosofică
Analele Universităţii din Craiova, Seria Filosofie– Copyright © 2011
PAGES | 203-222
LANGUAGE | English
ISSN| 1841 -8325
HOW TO CITE| SANDU, Antonio (2011). Un model afirmativ-apreciativ în consilierea filosofică. Analele Universităţii din Craiova. Seria Filosofie, 28(2), 203-222. Disponibil online la:
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Principles of appreciative philosophical counselling aim partnership between all participants in philosophical counselling. This experience can be integrated with the philosophical discourse having as referential maieutic and Platonic dialogues. Practical philosophy states in areas such as: psycho-social counselling, management strategies, ethical guidance. Philosophical counselling proposes to transform life by rediscovering the interrogative and interpretive dimension of human consciousness and apply it to the everyday experience. It is an experience of freedom transposed from metaphysical into the social plan. Philosophical thinking out of the transcendence space reconfigures immediacy “connecting it” to the ‚world of ideas‛ and bringing individual’s authenticity.
philosophical counselling; appreciative inquiry; David Cooperrider.
Revistă indexată BDI în Philosopher’s Index (USA), în European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH, Philosophy), SCOPUS.